czwartek, 5 lipca 2012

Evil Entourage

Hi Chopper, how are you? How is the thing in Evil Entourgae at the moment? My fucking pleasure you did agree for this interview.
Hi Waldemar first of all thank you for your interest in the band, its awesome to know that our music has gone beyond our country. EVIL ENTOURAGE its now working on some tours on Mexico  for promoting our new release ,our new EP “The Opposition”.

Its been so far 8 years when Evil Entourage is on stage in the underground. If you could describe how this time was for  you as the members of the bands and the band itself what would you say? 
Chopper: its been a great experience since the beginning, create the music that we love, playing over the Mexican country (almost all of it), playing with great bands, also some  hard moments , line up changes but we are satisfied for what we have done and cant wait for the future that awaits for the band, the hard work and conviction of playing the devils music its what give us the strength to keep on the road and playing all over where we can.
Paco: Well, the band has been active since then, it’s been a rollercoaster for all of us, some lineup changes, ups and downs as any other band, but with the conviction and integrity of do what we love, DEATH METAL. The ride during this few years has been incredible for me, as original member, during this time around I can tell you, that this motherfuckers are my second family with any doubt. The band is working hard every time in order to get what we’re looking from the beginning. 

How is the scene in Mexico like? For me the most known acts are Disgorge, Rottenness, Ravager, Hacavitz, Demonized... Black Metal is also well hidden in the underground and acts like Azgeroth or Wintermoon are keeping the unholy flame alive. Also tell as many bands names as possible that are worthy to listen.
Chopper: Mexico is a scene plagued with awesome bands, unfortunately the support and some of the “promoters” has a lack of compromise and interest in bands that do a professional work, there also professional promoters that help to keep  the scene  active, the quality of bands is getting bigger with the time, Mexico is hungry for Metal and with the time we will have great shows and more foreign bands coming up that feed this scene in Mexico and fortunately the world underground scene will look at Mexico.
Paco: As you mentioned, Disgorge, Rottenness, Hacavitz…are bands that never stops since they started this way of life, we are pleased to had been shared stage with them some time in the road, some of the other mentioned are already inactive, but very good bands as well.
METAL in general in México is getting bigger with the time, the new waves of influences and new ways to make music have important impact in bands right now. We never consider the best band in México, but our effort and hard work had put us in a level where we can see things more clear you know, like work with agencies, promoters, booking agents, bands as well, and the good thing of this is that we are now like, more well know band here in the country.
Just to name some bands, Nothingness, Warfield, Intosickness, Slaughtering, Toxic Hate, The Forensic, are the few that comes to my mind…but there are lots of good bands out there in the country.

As everyone on this planet we are a part of society if we want it or not. Can you describe how does the life look like in Mexico?
Paco: Well as you said, we are part of the society, a do like to be Mexican; I grew up in a very good environment, good family values and pretty nice school education.
México it’s a very rich country, economic and productive speaking…but the hands that has been ruling the thing are the ones who are taking the benefit and leave the people out of the wealth, that’s why is very unbalanced at some point the society. Right now, this last weekend, we vote for our next 6 year president, things looks like if democracy was lost from the beginning, you know how this shit works, just some get the big slice of cake and the rest just fight each other for…in a bad look scenario, what I can tell you, just to clear a little bit the image, is that we’re a very advanced country, technologically and economically speaking, but the media and govs always tell different I don’t know why.
I also read about the fact that due to the fact that a lot of people are poor the crime rate is very high in Mexico and it is one of the biggest problems there. Is really so unsafe on the streets? Probably not everywhere but just some districts as in every other countries or big cities.
Paco: Well, is not because the poverty, just in part, we are the closest country to the states, as I said, México are very rich in industry, production, economics, etc, US have the weapons we have the dope, so, the round business is like this, we export dope import guns, that’s how the cartels are big and strong here, they work with the government in cover and lots of people with weak minds work for them just for a few pesos ($), that’s how it becomes a dangerous country, but as you said, is very similar to other countries, I personally live in Cancun, it’s a  small city in the Caribe sea with beautiful landscapes and beaches, but it has the same danger as regular city in any part of the world you know?, so México is safe if you are not in the drug business, politics, government etc…if you are in Rock n Roll area everything is always good hahahaha

Ok, lets focus on Evil Entourage and the music. Which parts or sections in the songs would you point out and say ‘yeah, this we do so much better then in the begining on demo time’? In general, where do you see that the band did progress?
Chopper: Well its not like we plan to play in some way , its just the evolution that the band had been developing with the time, it sounds little different our new EP if you compare it with our 2005 demo, its much aggressive riffing, and drums now a days, we just go with the flow and create the death metal that we are proud to share with the world, its all about death metal.
Paco: Absolutely, there is no big difference between now and the beginning of the band, but there is just improvement in how we work together and of course, the level up for the music (instrument wise)
With no doubt, the band members have improve themselves in each instrument and that for sure is a good advance for the whole band. Chopper and I formed the band in 2004, and since that time we talk about do just DEATH METAL, we never expected to create NEW something…we just wanted to play DEATH MEATL and its how all began, but with the new influences of bands, musicians, styles, etc, the band had been refreshed in some ways. What I can say is now different is the mature of the band itself, the riff structure is better now in the way that we just push us to the limit, the blast beats are insane, nor as we use to play in the beginning. 

Your second album ‘Desecrators’, let me ask you few things about (it is the only material I have of yours). The lyrical concept seems to be focusing around subjects like death, mocking the christianity and in general standing in the opposition to to this faith. I want to ask you why in such a catholic country where more then 70% people are believers you attack with hate those values? Where do you see the weakest points in this religion?
Chopper: we deny all god and religion, free your mind!!
Paco: hahahaha yeah, this is my area hahaha, no, seriously, you are totally right, México is a very catholic and conservative country, it is evolving fast, I grew up in a very religious family, I did study in a Catholic school, the whole traditional folklore is in my blood you know…I think that’s why I hate religious institutions.
There is a few things that I have to say in order to clarify my O-position, I do believe in something superior than the physic body or plane whatever you wanna call it, We have to have something in our mind on what to believe in order to evolve as human beings, I don’t hate peoples how believe in god, jesus, and the holy ghost, no, I just hate manipulation, lies, people who get rich with the faith of the believers, who didn’t help society at all, that’s what I’m against to, catholic religion is the bigger in the planet, that’s why EVIL ENTOURAGE lyrics are more focused in that subject and Christianity are the most rich story from where we can take ideas to do the songs you know?...we do create scenarios in the lyrics where SATAN is always triumphant against GOD, but we just have some part of their philosophy in our mind, well, I do…I’m not the guy with inverted crosses, or do my rituals etc, not at all…I just practice the philosophy of “do what you want, but don’t hurt none with your acts” 
The whole idea of the lyrics is just to put the church and religious institutions in their places…the filth of the humanity and create conscience that human mind is the only way to liberate your soul, if you want so!!! 

‘Desecrators’ is 10 tracks that are about 40 minutes long all together. Tracks do combine everything that is best in fucking Death Metal in my opinion. For example last track ‘Hate to God’ which has slow parts, very heavy and melodic riffs and also blasts. On the top of it we have low growls of Paco and I must say such music just makes my day. Is that they way Death Metal should be played in your opinion? What kind of elements it has to have to be DM enough?
Chopper: Death metal should be played with your heart and soul impressed on it.
Paco: Awesome man, Hate to God is one of my fav. 
Well, as I did mention, there is no rules for METAL…we just love to hear crunchy riffs, low vocals, groove and blast beats, its what we like to do, but of course, we like to have our own stamp you know? DEATH METAL have to have balls, have to have heart, it has to be heavy as fuck and diabolical angry, but (important) eloquence, I hate to hear just noise and shitty drums you know?? But just my thought!!! 

The album has been released under the wings of Ablaze Productions and I think even it might be a small label the distribution is working well if I could bought ‘Desecrators’ here, in Poland. Are you satisfied with the support and co-operation with them? 
Paco: Absolutely, Juan had been a good partner for the band, its amazing read for example reviews from Europe, US, Asia, etc where the album was listened, that’s how we can know that the work that Ablaze Prods. have been doing is taking profit, and is a pleasure that you guys over there can enjoy our effort and happy to know that México is getting there, we are about to release the 3th album, at this time we are working with other people, so expect new stuff coming out to you man.

Can you tell me what kind of bands Ablaze released apart from Evil Entourage and what do they play? Do you keep in touch with them?
Well, Ablaze have mostly death metal bands, I know for sure some bands from Mexico, INHEARTED, NOTHINGNESS, RAPTURE, PROFANATOR, REPVBLIKA to mention some, but now the label are releasing bands from all over, I just hear this band from UK, don’t remember the name, but is oldshcool death metal, man I loved it…

‘Desecrators’ is filled with the elements that can be easily described as old school and it is very good that you keeping the flame of tradiotion burning. Did the old bands had any particular influence on what Evil Entourage is today? And the second part of the question is what do you think about, well not so new, but styles like Slam or Brutal with plenty of insane technical variations?
Paco: Very good question, EVIL ENTOURAGE is a DEATH METAL band.
old bands for sure had influenced our style, there is no doubt of it, we all grew up listening old bands from Europe and the US, fortunately we have the states close to us, and the music was easy to get in those years, but we are very evolving band you know, never wanted to look different of what we do, but with a spark of new stuff, I don’t think the band at some point change a lot you know, but nowadays there are lots of very good bands that I love and sure the other members love to hear with fresh and new technical evolution. 

As you told me before the interview there is an EP out already. Tell me what does it contain and who is the the publisher of this unholy assault?
Chopper: There is a new material to be released this summer, is not out yet, but it will be in very short time, the EP its coming out with 6 tracks, 4 new songs, 1 re-recorded song from the first album DOMINION and 1 instrumental intro from our good friend Fabiano Pena from brazil (The Ordher/Rebaelliun)also it was recorded on Mexico and its produced on Sweden by Marcus Edvarsson (Aeon / Souldrainer).

Apart from this release can we expect anything else in the near future?
Paco: The band is working for the promotion of this new album, but we are also recording a new video clip for the upcoming album.
You have two official videos that were made for the tracks ‘Satanic Blood Transfusion’ and ‘Septic to the Cross’. Are you satisfied with them both? Tell me what is your opinion and making music videos for metal music? I am currious about it because sometimes you can watch such retarded vids that are just making you embarrased because just of watching those.
Paco: Hahahaha I’m agree with that…well, the band was formed with the only intention of playing live you know, but shutting a video and the whole process its very funny and interesting, we have this video clip, was made with the production you know…the otherone was recorded in a gig with GRAVE in México, what I can say about videos, for me is a good way to show your music where you never have played before, there is not the real feeling as on stage, but the audience can get an image of what to expect in live you know, we’re very careful with those details, to prevent not to look fake and stupid hahahaha but as in the studio, is kinda boring but at the same time interesting to watch how is the whole process and shit.
Chopper: Videos are good to promote the band an give some professional work for the fans and promoters, its just a plus, what we love to do its definetly play live, its just some visual support for the band and expose it to the metal world.

What do you think of preforming live gigs? Is that the essence for you of bringing forth the real enegry of what Metal is? What about the opinion of some Black Metallers that such music never should be presented live while you play just for buch of drunk idiots?
Paco: Indeed, our target from the beginning was to perform live shows, it’s the only way to get the energy from the metal heads and that’s what I love to feel on stage, Mexico have a difficult in the way the gigs are made, lack of equipment, compromise of the promoters and crappy stages, but, when you start playing doing the best you can with the PA and backline, and see the kids in front of you head banging, moshing and slamming…that’s the energy that we need to perform as DEATH METAL must be, we always push us forward every show we had ‘cuz is what we just need to do, have fun, play hard and enjoy moments.
We are very meticulous with the sound of the band on stage, always trying to get what we are use to, and trying to give the audience what they are for, if you hear a good album, very clear and super produced, and you see the band on stage playing shit, with a horrible sound…no man, that’s not a good show, that’s why we are here in mexico cataloged as spoiled band, but believe me, as much as we push, as better the sound and the show for the people who pay for it…so we will continue pushing the promoters with good equipment  

Now I have to ask you about your knowledge about polish underground scene? Any bands that you worship from here? And please do not mention Vader or Behemoth haha
Paco: hahahaha 2 of my fav bands hahahaha
Well for me, death metal in Poland is like Mariachi in Mexico man, there is a lot of good bands out there, just to metion and the first band that comes to my mind is Decapitated, we had played with them before the tragedy, super cool guys and very talented, Deception, Dies Irae, Yattering, Hate, Virgin Snatch is a rock n roll band that I like a lot, Lost Soul is like a new band isn’t it? Are a few that comes to my mind.
Chopper: Poland its awesome! Lots of great bands!! I like a lot Decapitated, Azarath, Supreme Lord,  Crionics, Masachist just to name a few.

That would be all, cheers for your time mate, all the best for you and your band! Keep it fucking Death Metal!
Chopper: thanks Waldemar! We keep in contact, we salute everyone at Poland hope to be there soon!! Please check ut our official sites: –
Paco: Thank you my friend for the support and hopefully we can meet some time soon in the near future, we are looking for gigs in Europe, so we’ll keep in touch brother…stay heavy!!

interview by Waldemar 07/2012

Inquisition ‘Ominous Doctrines Of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm’

Hells Headbangers Records, album 2011

Piąte pełne uderzenie kolumbijskiego Inquisition rezydującego obecnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych, które tylko upewnia ich na pozycji lidera Black Metalu, tego Black Metalu który nie został skomercjalizowany, który jest iście nieprzyjemny a zarazem tych znających się na sztuce wprawiających w osłupienie i hipnozę. 10 utworów trwających trochę ponad 40 minut jest idealnym przykładem, że ten gatunek żyje, ma się wręcz wyśmienicie i jest wciąż zatęchłym ścierwem jakim winnien być. Nie ma co ukrywać, że taki Inquisition będący na scenie od poand 20 lat i mimo swoich Thrash Metalowych początków, zdobył szacunek wśród grona maniaków tym co tworzą, co sobą reprezentują a nie tylko chorymi układzikami, lizaniem się po dupie byle by ktoś wydał ich materiał. Jeszcze dość niedawno jak pół roku temu gościliśmy ten zespół w Polsce i to co Dagon i Incubus stworzyli na scenie można określić tylko jednym słowem: kult! Widać, że mimo upływu czasu nic nie ubyło z zaangażowania zarówno duchowego jak i czystej ekspresji w muzyce u tych dwóch osobników. Rzekłbym nawet, że z płyty na płytę wspinają się na wyżyny swoich możliwości. Dlaczego? To proszę mi wskazać inną hordę obok Inquisition która tworzy tak znakomity klimat, która emanuje tak czystym Złem, a do tego ma swój wyrazisty styl. Nie jest istotnym czy w aranżacjach pojawią się wolne, wręcz transujące patenty gitar, czy oddalimy się w rejony chłostania Diabelskiego Thrashu czy polawią się nam blastujące partie. Istotnym jest, że po kilku dźwiękach wiadomym jest, że to Inquisition. Dodałbym jeszcze od siebie na zakończenie, że album ‘Ominous Doctrines Of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm’ jest kwintesencją obskurności zawartej w dźwiękach złowieszczej doktryny wiecznego mistycznego makrokosmosu. I czyż tytuł nie mógł być bardziej adekwatny do dźwięków? Na kolana i czcić!

Antediluvian ‘Through the Cervix Of Hawaah’

Profound Lore Records, album 2011

Kanadyjskie komando po trzech demosach i ep’ce wydaje wreszcie swój debiut w szeregach Profound Lore Records, która to trudni się wydawnictwami wszelakiej maści od Stoner po radykalnie brzmiące Black Metalowe surowizny. Jednakże trafność wydawnictwa Antediluvian zaskoczyła mnie niesamowicie, przyznam, że nie znałem twórczości tego tworu przed debiutem i olbrzymie żałuję, bo jest cholera czego. Mikstura bezkompromisowego old schoolowego napierdalania spod znaku Death z elementami Black dosłownie niszczy z siłą huraganu! Kanadyjczycy nie dość, że przypieprzyli totalnie jeśli chodzi o produkcję, której to dźwięk brzmi niczym wydobywający się z jakiejś śmierdzącej czeluści, gdzie szczątki i padlina dosłownie wszystkiego przyprawiają o mdłości fetorem rozkładu, to dodatkowo gęstość i skomasowanie poszczególnych utworów są niczych tortury, które to powtórzone kilka razy z rzędu powodują u słuchacza mentalne kalectwo. I tak, słuchałem kilka razy i czuję się totalnie wypruty, pozbawiony sił a wszechdominującym uczuciem pozostaje delikatnie mówiąc pewność i podświadomy absolut, że tak ma właśnie być. Bo co tu wiele mówić, only nakurw is real hehe. ‘Through the Cervix Of Hawaah’ serwuje nam oczywiście sporo patentów, które są wręczo obowiązkowe dla tego typu produkcji, czyli sporo pisków gitar, wokale które są odzwierciedleniem samego 9tego Kręgu Piekła - głębokie gardłowe pomruki, bo to ciężko nawet growlem nazwać ale wystarczy choćby przywołać takie nazwy jak Incantation czy Father Befouled i wiadomo w czym rzecz. Struktury gitar przebiegają raczej według nieskomplikowanych kostkowanych tremolo riffów, nad całością dominuje napierdalająca perkusja bez absolutnie żadnych triggerów czy nowoczesnych wspomagaczy, po prostu Piekielna Moc.
Dla fanów intensywnego old school jak najbardziej pozycja wręcz obowiązkowa, reszta brutalizatorów raczej odpuści ten album, bo nie znajdą w nim nic z technicznego grania, a i jak mniemam niewielu słuchaczy, zwolenników czystego Death Metalu da radę przebrnąć przez takie smoliste granie. Jednak właśnie dzięki temu, ‘Through the Cervix Of Hawaah’ zawładnął mną totalnie, ponieważ omija wszelakie trendy, a szczerości i oddania muzyków swojej pasji nie można pod żadnym pozorem odmówić. 

Abnormality ‘Contaminating the Hive Mind’

Sevared Records, album 2011

O cholera! Totalne zaskoczenie!!! Debiut i to jaki debiut!!!!! Przecież tutaj jest wszystko jak należy, album miażdży każdym utworem i przebrnięcie przez tą masakrę jest czymś przecudnym! Techniczny i Brutal Death Metal najwyższych lotów, zagrany z niesamowitym polotem i bez obaw, to nie ta odmiana gdzie uprawia się bezsensowne gonitwy w riffach a każdy z instrumentów to jakby osobna opowieść nie mająca nic wspólnego z drugą. Abnormality z Massachusetts uprawia zdecydowanie bardziej spójny dyscyplinę. Nie oznacza to jednak, że czwórka chłopaków i dziewczyna poruszają się oklepanymi do bólu ścieżkami, zdecydowanie nie! Otóż, struktury tych ośmiu utworów stoją na najwyższym poziomie techniki, ale nie są pozbawione płynności odsłuchu, po prostu jest bardzo dobrze wyważona granica pomiędzy prezentowaną techniką a podaniem jej w całości w każdym z poszczególnych utworów. Wspomniana technika to nie tylko spore umiejętności poszczególnych muzyków które przekładają się na jakość oferowanych patentów jak i całości, ale także a może nawet przede wszystkim zajebisty gust i forma w jakim ‘Contaminating the Hive Mind’ został zaprezentowany. Mimo świeżego podejścia do kompozycji nie można zarzucić Amerykanom braku wpływów starej szkoły, wystarczy wrzucić dla przykładu taki otwierający riff jak w ‘Taste of Despair’ i melodyka ale zarazem ciężar nie pozostawiają złudzeń o klasie tego materiału. Wspomniana melodyka która jawi się tu nawet częstwo w bardziej technicznych riffach przekłada się również na fantastyczne popisy solowe gitar, których aż miło się słucha i bezwiednie podgłaśnia materiał, by napierdalał z jeszcze większą mocą. Dodatkowo należy jeszcze wspomnieć o Mallice, która jest odpowiedzialna za wokale i bez dwóch kurwa zdań mówię: szacun dziewczyno za zajebista robotę! Głębokie growle wpasowane w rytmikę poszczególnych utworów robią niemałe piekło, spustoszenie i moc jaka jest pożądana w tej muzyce. A że dodatkowo dziewczyna niebrzydka to wiadomo, że my szowinistyczne świniaki się cieszymy, hehe. Kto wie, czy ten album nie będzie pretendował do miana brutalnych debiutów roku? Coś mi mówi, że Abnormality może cholernie namieszać na scenie jeśli tylko utrzymają ten poziom. Na koniec tradycyjnie, kupować!

Nocturnal Degrade ‘Hymn to Eternal November’

Darker Than Black Records, album 2010

Szczerze powiedziawszy, to wydawanie takich albumów a w następstwie ich kupowanie pozostaje dla mnie zawsze tajemnicą. Nie żeby Włoski solowy projekt był totalnie bezwartościowy czy kiczowaty, nie. Po prostu obecnie scena Black Metalowa na całym świecie, czy nawet już skupiając się na podgatunku prezentowanym przez Nocturnal Degrade, czyli Depressive BM, jest na tyle potężna i ciekawa, że tak przeciętne twory możnaby sobie podarować i pozostawić je by nagrywały w warunkach domowych swoje demosy czy nawet albumy własnym sumptem. Ale do rzeczy, bo kilka spraw trzeba omówić. Zacznijmy od brzmienia czyli w sumie od plusów. Za dużym słowem byłoby nazwanie go minimalistycznym, ale jest wystarczająco surowe, jednak wydaje mi się, że nie oddaje ono klimatu apatii, utraty życiowych sił, a wręcz odwrotnie dzięki pracy basu materiał wydaje się emanować niezałą energią. Także, jeżeli z założeń muzyka wynika, że ma to być Depressive, to niestety tempa mimo swej monotonności i wprawiania w coś na wzór hipnotycznej mizantropii są zbyt intensywne, za mało tutaj wolnego grania, stopniowego wprowadzania depresji, której na dobrą sprawę nie uświadczymy. Owszem są powolne partie, jak choćby instrumentalny kawałek ‘Winter Made Of Flesh And Not’ ale to niestety za mało. Dodatkowo wokale wypadają bardzo sztucznie, nie ma w nich nic co przekonałoby mnie do faktycznego poziomu choćby najzwyklejszego smutku, nie wspominając już o wyższych formach w jakie powinien ewaluować. To samo tyczy się pukającego jak kartonik automatu perkusyjnego, który doprowadza do szału, a już na pewno nie wprowadza żadnej aty-ludzkiej atmosfery.
Sumując, ‘Hymn to Eternal November’ w moim przekonaniu wypadł bardzo przeciętnie, nie oferuje nic czym mógłby kierować się maniak takiego grania prócz irytacji i poczucia stracenia czasu na odsłuchu tej płyty. Niestety, Włoski Nocturnal Degrade wypadł bardzo blado i nużąco. Kto chce niech ryzykuje, ale posiadanie tego krążka w kolekcji jest pisane chyba tylko tym co zbierają absolutnie wszystko. Ja swoją promo wersję przesyłam jeszcze w tym tygodniu gdzieś dalej, hehe.