wtorek, 26 lutego 2013


Hail Brazilian Death Metal maniacs! First of all I want to say a huge thank you for accepting the chance to be interviewed here. How are things in Coldblood at the moment? How did you find the reactions for the EP you have just finished ‘The Other Gods’?
MKult – Hails!! We thank you for the opportunity. Well, right now we are in the studio recording our next album which will be called "Chronology Of Satanic Events" and we're focused on that right now. Regarding the Ep "The Other Gods" (Jan/2012) have received good reviews from both the public and by the press and we realize that with this Ep more call people's attention regarding expectations for the new album all eager for the material and this is very good

Coldblood has started in 1992 through these 20 years you have just one full lenght album called ‘Under the Blade I Die’. I know that many bands histories are wicked and there always will be problems but you had split up in the middle of the existence of Coldblood. How does this fact reflect to the nowadays band’s condition?
MKult - Today we have a more committed to training band and the profession. We had great training in the past but nothing compare to what we have today. Those who are not longer with us today is because they had other priorities and did not adapt to the pace of our work is pretty intense.

Until the year 2007 when your debut album was released you had three demos. Can you tell us few words about the music that was on these records? As much I know you did use few of the previous songs and records them again for the debut stuff. 
MKult - With the first demo-tape “Terror Stench” of 1992 we practiced Brutal Death Metal Doom under the influence of bands like Bolt Thrower, Paradise Lost, Black Sabbath, Death, Massacre among others. In the second demo-cd “... And It Comes Th Winter " (2000) the band was going through a more technical and melodic Doom part had been left out. At the third demo-cd " Reicarnating The New Black God "(2005) returned with sound more brutal and technical and so we followed until the present day. Yeah, 4 songs from our third demo were re-recorded our debut album "Under The Blade I Die" 2007

Mostly your lyrics are about hate towards blind human race following the rules of christianity which you obviously do mock and also some references to Satanism. Can you tell me what in your personal attitiude does Satanism mean? What is it? Also why do your see the subject of anti-christianity still alive and well to use? And to be clear, I hate these bastards too haha.
D.Arawnn - Satanism is fully connected to a particular conduct, directed study and practical Gnostic. In the state that we are anti-natural, the combination of these topics led by Satan is the only way to walk in  this empty illusions in which we live. Satanism should be consistent in life to be a real connection with Lucifer and his misanthropic relief that we want to achieve in death totally.Christians sucks.

I spoke in my history of interviews with other bands from Brazil but I just like to ask this question as I think it is a little bit exotic for us in Poland. How does your everyday life in Brazil looks like? 
MKult - My daily life is taking care of business the banda, studying drums and some days I leave home for work, has been well in recent years. On weekends I go out with my wife and we enjoy cultural programs in our city .... go to the movies, concerts ... basically it.

What about the politics and economical problems? Is your goverment well judging how to use your country resources or is it like in every place on earth? They first feed themselves, stealing without thinking about others.
MKult - In your question you have to answer hahahaha “They first feed themselves, stealing without thinking about others”…. It seems that good people are dying in the world and each ciuuda of yourself without thinking about others and it exists in politics, within a family, a great company .... This is the world today

Before we spoke about your country and life there, I want to go back to your lyrical themes. Apart from hate and disgust to this catholic cattle what inspires you mostly when you create music and words for it? Also in everyday life
D.Arawnn - Much of songs I consider as malignant manifestations, because i'm studying esotericism all the time and this is my everyday . So I can say that everything has been done in a natural way, there is nothing calculated. Sure we employ our techniques as musicians and we working detail by detail always.

Maybe it will sound childish but forgive mine lack of knowledge, who is Khali from the track ‘Khali brings Death’?
MKult -  Khali It is one of the deities most "respected" of Hinduism. The tradition includes animal sacrifices and old human However, it is a true representation of nature and is also considered by many people the essence of what is reality and be the source of existence. Goddess of death and sexuality, Kali - whose name in Sanskrit means "black" -

As much the scene in Brazil is still unknown, we know only about the biggest bads from out there and not only while we speak about Death Metal. There are thousands of undiscovered bands yet hidden deep in the mists of the Underground so please let us hear as much of it as you can recommand us from the rotten soil of Brazil.
MKult - The Brazilian scene is very well, here there are excellent bands and every year dozens of American and European bands land in our country for at least 5 presentations. We still have much to go on but we are professional aspects "Scene" active. Here in Rio de Janeiro for example you have a lot of quality banda, as Mysteriis, Prophecy, Farscape, Grave Desecrator, Unearthly, Apocaliptic Raids, Castifas, Syren, Inquisition, Confronto, Lacerated And Carbonized….. and still have excellent banda other cities, such as: 

I thought that your vision of Death Metal will be close to what we are used when we hear names as Rebaelliun, Krisiun, Abhorrence or Nephasth then I must say that it is so great to hear a little bit different approach to the tracks you created. I think the main difference can be heard that you are not using mostly blasts but these are just the part of all the structures. 
MKult - Yes, this is the sound of Coldblood. We are a band from the early 90s, there are our roots and will remain so. As far as possible we add something current in our songs, but we are always with our feet on the Old School Death Metal

Also the riffs are more melodic is the whole outcome but it doesn’t mean that the guitar parts are less agggressive. The music is not pounding all the time and you do also let it flow with nice solo guitars. I think Coldblood takes more from the roots of classical Death Metal bands then previous mentioned above. What is your opinion? Do you think it should be this way?
MKult - We are old school and keep us faithful to it until the end. We are not a follower of trends band or any kind of formula for success .... of course we are open to new possibiliades but if one day conquer the world is the sound we make in those 20 years of existence.

In 2010 you did release a split with Black Metal horde Luvart under the Hammer of Damnation label which is mostly known worldwide from their BM releases. Whos idea was it to do such record? Are you satisfied with the final result of it? Tell me what kind of music does Luvart play (we know only Black Metal but certainly you can describe it well) and how does your part of the split sound like?
MKult   - The Luvart is a great horde of our country and when I knew we would have a split-cd with them I found very cool. After this release do not know if they released anything else, but I wish all luck in the world for them, They perform a back Metal primitive and dragged .... fucking band!!

What is your opinion about Black Metal in general? I am not asking about the history of it or how it became unfortunatelly so ‘popular’ but as a genre and all the aspects that it carries. 
MKult -  The Black Metal Black Metal has been with Venom, Darkthrone, Sarcofago, Vulcano, Mayhem (old)..... today is all very modern and glossy and this ended the real escencia style. But always save those who swim against market trends, bands like: Darkened Noctun Slaughtercult, Watain, Darkaro, Burzum are special.

In the year 2012 you pointed out your existence with EP release ‘The Other Gods’ which contains 5 new songs plus some bonuses like all the demo materials. It is more then one hour feast of pure Death Metal, which is hm... kind of longish for EP haha. Ok, tell me about the new tracks and the reason you did include your old stuf on it. 
MKult - We released the EP in January 2012 to celebrate 20 years of the band and that somehow was being definitive return to the scene. We recorded 4 new songs and added a video live in the city of Chiclayo / Peru in 2010 during a South American tour to publicize the debut album "Under The Blade I Die." So would have five new songs, as the music video was also unprecedented. Our record was asked to add the first 3 demos and find great idea. So we have a Ep 5 new songs and the first 3 demos as bonus track. This release came in good time and had a very positive response on the part of fans and press.

Tell me how do you intend to promote your new material and when can we expect second full lenght album?
MKult - Right now we are producing noso new album "Chronology Of Events Satanic" that is scheduled for release in April / Mayo this year. In Brazil it will be launched through a partnership between the seals Distro Rock Rec and Attitude Headbanger's House and the United States by Metallic Media Rec First we want to promote the ALM by Brazil, we have a tour forwarded to the northeast of the country with 15 dates Salvador ..., Refice, Fortaleza, Belem, Maceio, Sergipe, Christmas, Maranhão, Bethlehem among other cities. We have been talking with some labels in Europe for a possible release on Vinyl. We are working to 1000 per hour toward a wall.

Do you think there is a slight possibility that one day christianity will be washed off from the surface of earth? Or is more likely just a fantasy for us?
D.Arawnn – I do not think so. But maybe the people begin to see the demiurge's crimes and crimes in your name. I believe these are the minority. And honestly my intention is not to alert anyone about it. We exalt the metaphysical evil and we accept delve deeper into the abyss where the true light shines incessantly.

Tell me how often do you play live in your country or the countries near by? Is it hard to organise a tour there without facing any problems like being accused of offening religious views or shit like that? Do you go to see other bands live or you prefer just to be on the stage with Coldblood?
MKult - Since 1992 we have played in Brazil and neighboring countries without any problem. Once we had to stop a show half way on Lima was in Peru, but because I had a lot of people and when we play together all those people with the structure of the site began to tremble and then asked us to stop the show for safety reasons, but nothing more. I own an agency called South American Tours Metalkult Booking Agency and am always traveling throughout Latin America and never had problems. Where can I go to shows, but I was already more vesez in the past, today I dedicate more Coldblood activities and other projects I have.

Future plans?
MKult - We are close to launching our new album and we have a tour in Brazil scheduled for July with 25 dates, maybe we have the second part of the tour passing through neighboring countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Chile. After that we should go into the studio again to compose music in 2014 and certemente will be time to enter Europe. As said earlier, we have a very intense rhythm of work and I hope to continue like this for another 20 years

The last fucking blasphemy is yours! Offend everything and spit on the cross. Thank you for your time!
MKult - We appreciate the opportunity, it was a pleasure doing this interview and await the Coldblood in Europe. Whorship Satan!!

Interview by Waldemar December 2012

Exitium ‘Land’

prod. własna, album 2012

Debiutancki materiał jedno-osobowego projektu za którym stoi Abazus to przyznaję muza jakiej jeszcze w naszym kraju nie było, a przynajmniej stworzonej przez Polaka, ponieważ twórca tych dźwięków siedzi na stałe w Niemczech. Wizja i podejście do kompozycji jest bardzo szeroka, może i czerpiąca z pewnych wzorów o których powiemy sobie później, jednakże odbiegająca daleko by można tu mówić o czymś więcej niż inspiracji, plagiat zostaje wykluczony odgórnie. To nie się po prostu słyszy, że jest to materiał stworzony z cholerą pasją i przede wszystkim radością z szerzenia i infekowania innych własnym światem.
Otóż muzycznie Exitium porusza się w miksturze Black Metalu (mam tutaj na myśli kompozycje gitar i barwa wokali ponieważ Diabła tutaj nie znajdziemy) oraz folkowych zapędów który znamy z dokonań cenionego Austriackiego duetu Summoning. Podobieństw możemy dopatrywać się wielu zarówno w koncepcie lirycznym opiewającym światy literatury fantasy jaki i samych struktur muzycznych które na pierwszy rzut ucha wydają się zbliżone: programowana hipnotyczna, wręcz jakby wojenna perkusja, gitary których riffy powtarzają się w dużej liczbie powodując materiał zarówno transowym jak i niesamowicie wciągającym, nie pozwalającym oderwać uwagi przez całość trwania ‘Land’, wokale w barwach BM screamo, oraz syntezatory tworzące tło tej fantastycznej podróży przez wyobraźnię. Jednak to co stworzył Abazus wydaje mi się być zarówno bardziej podniosłe, uderzające większym patosem, a zarazem w partiach gdzie są gitary i wokale bardziej drapieżne, dosadne w swym przekazie i przede wszystkim nie nużące jak to czasami bywa w tego typu muzyce. ‘Land’ w mojej opinii jest albumem który można jednocześnie określić wyniesionym na wyżyny klimatu fantasy, walk, honoru i dumy, a jednocześnie albumem no co tu wiele kurwa mówić, metalowym pomimo olbrzymiej ilości zabiegów elektroniki której to fanem nie jestem!
Niemalże 40 minut w 8śmiu kompozycjach mija w upojnej atmosferze i pozwala stwierdzić, że czas ten nie był w żaden sposób stracony, a zdecydowanie wypełniony podróżą po bogatej wizji realizującej się w scenerię muzyczną która zaprasza nas ponownie w świat Exitium. Zdecydowana rekomendacja.

Upir ‘Possession’

Eastside, 2012 EP

Wydana debiutancka Ep’ka Upir nakładem Eastside w zeszłym roku narobiła sporego zamieszania przynajmniej w moich odczuciach, w mojej fascynacji i tym jak zespół podszedł do materii Black Metalu. Dwuosobowa ekipa składająca się z Herr Skogena zajmującego się wszystkimi instrumentami oraz Herr Legiona zdzierającego sobie gardło w maniakalnej obsesji wypluwania jadu na ludzkie ścierwo będąc opętanym majestatem samego Rogatego. Materiał trwa raptem ponad 20 minut,  6 kompozycji, ale o tym poniżej.
‘Possession’ to swoisty hołd ku stylistyce Black Metalu, która na początku lat 90tych w trakcie boomu Skandynawskiego dopiero co rosła w potęgę, ale już wtedy nabierała statusu kultu. Brudne, obskurne brzmienia, które dla wielu maniaków były wręcz nie do przyjęcia, trzeszczące gitary przywodzące na myśl okres materiałów demo czy nawet prób wtedy obecnych juz olbrzymów sceny kłóciły się z tzw. dobrym gustem odrzucając swą ohydą i nieprzyswajalnością. Otóż, Upir daleki jest do sięgania po nowoczesne wymysły studiów nagrań, nie korzysta z pięknego lukrowanego brzmienia które mógłby uzyskać kręcąc gałkami na mikserze zamiast skupić się na prawdziwym oddaniu ducha muzyki którą się wielbi i dla której żyje. Oczywiście mówiąc o Upir jako tworowi który oddaje cześć tamtym czasom należy przede wszystkim też powiedzieć, że absolutnie nie należy myśleć o nich w formie plagiatu lub ślepych naśladowców, bo tak nie jest. Klimat jaki wytwarzają kompozycje jest opętańczy, czuć totalne oddanie, coś na wzór (i tu zaryzykuję słowo) rytuałów, które z Diabelskim namaszczeniem są odprawiane w obłędzie ekstazy objawienia. Otóż połowa z utworów znajdujących się na ‘Possession’ ma charakter ‘ambientu’ gdzie w tle głos Herr Legiona sączy się niczym trucizna a wtórują mu dźwięki szaleństwa, bębnów... Trzy utwory które sa stricte Black Metalowe różnią się w swych kompozycjach, bo od szybkich temp są aż do hipnotycznie wolnych, które w swym Złu aż kołyszą pozbawiając nas resztki rozsądku, resztek postrzegania czegokolwiek poza składania ofiary Diabłu z samego siebie. Duży wpływ na taki stan rzeczy mają właśnie wokale Legiona który naprawdę wczuwa się niesamowicie i słyszeć olbrzymi autentyzm w tym co robi.
Tak więc nastał czas podsumowania. W moim przeczuciu Upir poznał i wytyczył sobie ścieżkę a konsekwentnym ruchem ma być niebawem wydanie splitu z DeadThorn, trzeba czekać. Dla tych którzy lubują się w istnym Diabelstwie jest to pozycja absolutna do nabycia, ci natomiast co wolą disco Behe czy jakieś tam Keepy Of Kalesony radzę nie dotykać.

piątek, 1 lutego 2013

Mortal Torment

01) Sick hello to Mortal Torment! Or should I say 'breeeeeee' ? How are you doing guys?! Is there enough corpses to mutilate in Greece or do you begin to feel deficency because of your practices?
Breeeee on brother! Everything is cool here, lots of bodies lying around around our feet. Most of them are mutilated beyond recognition so I guess you could say we still have what it takes. Next target: those fucked up politicians. Those shit-heads will meet my cleaver soon enough..

02) Before we will move forward straight to music related subjects I want to ask you first few other things. First of all tell me about the origin of the band, the idea of creating this fucking sickness. Tell me also at the time you started in 2005 what were the conditions of the scene in Greece? Who was also in the circle of perversions with brutal stuff like yours?
To be honest, I was not in the band at that time but I was in contact with the guys in a friendly way. Also, let's face it, there's nothing too original about a band called "Mortal Torment". It's plain, simple, death metal. We don't re-invent the wheel, we just like playing music that will make you mosh in your room, puke in your food, pee on your bed. The condition in Greece in terms of music was ok. I'm saying ok because there's a million more stuff now, the scene has raised the bar on so many levels. Bands like Inveracity, Mass Infection, Terrordrome, Slavebreed started  doing quality work much sooner, our respect to those sickos!

03) We can hear about the world crisis everywhere but one of the most drastic things it seems to appear in your country. How is it in reality? Is it really so bad? I mean in Poland we have also fucked up situation with the goverment who is only looking to fulfill its own pockets without even being aware how people struggle to survive each month. But from the other hand there can be always worse and look for example how does average citizen of Russia or countries from South America lives. Plenty of crime rate and poverty... Fucked up don't you think?
Believe me, it's far far worse in reality. To sum it all up: our salaries have been butchered to half or even less(literally) and all the taxes have been doubled. I mean, this is stupid and sick at the same time. I have no idea what exactly these suited fuckers have in mind but it sure as hell isn't working. People starve, people end their own lives and the vast majority is frustrated.
We can't be certain of the future, I know people that quit their bands because they can't even afford to rehearse. Really now, whatever I may say it's one thing to read about all this and another actually living in it. I just hope for the best man...

04) The history of your country is very interesting and the ancient believs with mythology is a pure masterpiece. Tell me, does it affect your everyday life somehow or is more likely that fucking catholic church took over the control of everything?
Actually it's the orthodox church that pulls the strings here....and yeah man, Greece has a ritch history but I'm afraid christianity brainwashed the majority of the people to the point where our mythology is treated like fairytales by most of the greeks. As if some random hippie walking on water isn't enough of a fairytale already..
So no, our every day life is mostly shaped by the "christian morale" in theory but the utterly opposite in action. People are selfish, evil and have a narrow minded perception on things or people that are different than them. Typical human stupidity.

05) Death sentence... brought it back and some fuckers should be executed in public? What is your opinion? How do you think, the society in your country would be against it?
This is a tough one man...scumbags like the politicians that brought us to this crisis, child molesters, and every fuck head that deserves severe punishment could take his/her place at the deathrow. As much as they want to play "good christians", I'm quite sure a good number of people would cherish the idea. Personally, putting aside anger and frustration I don't think the death penalty is a solution. Life sentence can work just fine.

06) Ok, lets talk about the lyrics of 'Resuscitation'. Plenty of perversions, gore stuff, torture... Of course these are only lyrics unless you feel excitement watching people being tortured or imagining that you do it? How fucking sick are you? Haha
Ha ha! Oh man, that's just a lyrical description of mindless graphic violence. Nothing more really, those lyrics are made to make people laugh, make'em sick at times(hell yeah!) and help maintain the concept Cannibal Corpse and the likes of them built many years ago. I still enjoy writing such stuff, I'm a big fan of horror/survival/b-movies so I get influenced by that shit I watch all the time.
I don't feel like killing anyone to be honest. My idea of a punishment will include complete isolation and a shitload of vermin for food ha ha! 

07) Can we combine that sick shit with porn themes? What is the outcome, haha?
Porn grind! Not a fun of the genre but still I'm impressed by the way these guys use their imagination to combine poo with vaginas for example. Creative, the least to say he he! I once that video "one guy-one jar"....nevermind, on to the next question..

08) Ok, flow with your fantasy and tell me which of the pornstars would you like to torture and why?
Ha! I would never torture a porn star! Those girls are a blessing, I don't think I could ever submit one of them to a beating. On the other hand, if I was to "torture" one(yes, brackets change the deal) I'd chose Alexis Texas, Gianna Michaels, Shyla Stylez, Khristina Rose....shit there so many of them!

09) Recentlly I watched with my son some cartoons of Tom & Jerry and I came up with an idea. The person who invented it was a sick sadist, don't you think? It is fucking sick shit but only shown in funny way... Just add some wounds, blood and flying guts to each scene and you will know what I mean haha.
Oh man, I totally agree with you! Most of the cartoons we grew up with are brutal as fuck come to think of it. Bring Coyote in mind, he just kept falling off that ledge over and over again and that fucking bird never got back what it deserved. All those cartoons taught us that you can get axed, bombed, beaten with a bat, get smashed by a giant rock and still survive ha ha! Larger than life I tell you! Of course, the japanese had different opinions about the art of cartoons. I got to know that part of art at a young age..

10) Oh shit! Maybe we can mix that cartoon with gore and porn?! Haha I think because of me you have now lyrical concepts for at least couple of albums. You own me a beer!
Beer is all yours man! On the house. If I merely describe(with a twist of course) the events of a whole season of Warner Bross' Bugs Bunny I'll cover the 2-3 next albums for MT! That's it, you're in the band!

11) 'Resuscitation' was released as a co-operation between Sevared Records from USA and Russian Coyote Records. I think it did help with the distribution worldwide? Are you satisfied with the work of both labels so far?
Yeah, the truth is that the distribution went aweseme. As far as we know the album can be found in all Europe, the US even in Japan has some pieces. We're very satisfied with the work to be honest. These labels have granted a name for themselves in the brutal death metal scene and not for doing nothing. These guys are firstly fans of extreme music and secondly "business" men. Also, I came to know lots of cool bands I was completely unaware of before I got in touch with Sevared Records or Coyote. Cool shit!

12) Also there is videoclip to one of the songs from the album. Tell we whos idea was it to do it? Happy with the brutal outcome? How did you feel being in from of cameras?
The whole theme/concept was my idea. I once went to a friend's house and saw his father's basement...that was it. I wanted to make a video over there. Not too original, we just wanted to do a b-horror/teen horror style gory "film" that had a funny ending. We love the result, our friend, Dominique made sure the video was just as we planned and we are grateful for it! Trivia: the meat parts are real meat taken from a butcher shop! We had lots of fun doing it and we'll be doing a second clip in 2013 so keep an eye open people!

13) Death Metal presented on your debut album is brutal but yet lots of melodic parts with Slam breakdowns. How do you think are the limits in this genre to be still Death Metal? Which way we can expect Mortal Torment will progress within next recordings?
Aaaahh that's an interesting question! Yes, you can find guitar melodies in our debut. You'll also find melodies in the 2 new songs we recorded for an upcoming split release. When I say melodies think of Immolation, Bloodbath and that kind of stuff. Here's where I say BUT: the newer songs will be brutal, straight forward with groovier parts DEATH metal. We have one new song and are working on even newer stuff but the new direction will be an "in your face" approach.
So, those melodies will be kept aside for a bit to make room for more sick shit. All in all, we'll maintain our character, you know you'll be able to remember some riffs after the album is over. Though we love bands that play in a more chaotic way we want to make memorable music at the end of the day.

14) Before the album you had on your account one demo and a split release. Tell me about them both and also if possible few words about the other bands that were present on 'Slamseason Split 3'.
I was not in Mortal Torment back then but I know there isn't much to tell about those releases. By that, I mean they are exactly the same songs, what you'll hear in the split is the 3 songs of the demo. The bands in the split did quite a memorable work, covering different styles and keeping it sick at the same time! Horns up dudes!

15) I must say that your vocals are so charismatic, it is hard to say if even anyone do growl like you. This is something between growl and pig squeels but the words are so selective! Also he operates in few scales which helps to avoid boredom, fucking nice effect!
Come on man! Nothing charismatic about it! I just try to make some disgusting sounds, that is all. No more, no less. I try to keep it interesting by all means, don't like it when I hear vocalists using the same patterns all the time. Bree is a magic word for me ha ha! But vocalists like George from Inveracity, Aris from Vermingod, Jonathan(former Pathology) and Jeremiah Blue Jensen from Guttural Secrete are the dudes I admire it the genre.

16) How do you work on new tracks? Any scheme or just good porn and the track is ready? Haha
Our guitarists bring their ideas when we rehearse, we work on them collectively till we reach the desired outcome. All ideas are welcome usually, nothing too original there too ha ha! We started working at home recently, you know riff by riff building up new stuff. Porn is essential, we jizz when a good song is complete and we celebrate by renting the appropriate material. At the end of the process we fill a cup with cum and share the pain ha ha!

17) Now please flood me with the names of great bands from your country or if you know any new beginers from any place just hit us with it. The more the better!
Ok, here goes(and I promise you, you will be impressed!):
Terrordrome, Necrorgasm, Carnal Redemption, Karma Violens, Tardive Dyskinesia, Murder Made God, Erectus, Inveracity, Vulnus, Dead Congregation, Abyssus, Abnormal Inhumane, Resurgency, Necrovorous, Vermingod, Sickening Horror, Mass Infection, Bloody Donation, Create Rapid Massacre, Obsecration, Nocturnal Vomit, Genna Apo Kolo, Mallediction, Incineration, Decomposed Existence, Crucifiction, AlterSelf, Bio-Cancer, Exarsis, Goateatgod, Procreate, Ravencult, the list could go no forever, I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of good bands!

18) Tell me what you think about the albums below, now you are the reviewer:
- Dismember 'Like An Ever Flowing Stream'
Classic stuff, music to headbang to and have lots of beers!
- Pyaemia 'Cerebral Cereal'
I LOVE this album man, too band they split up back then. Awesome act!
- Bolt Thrower 'Warmaster'
Another classic, Early Bolt Thrower is quality material, heavy and raw.
- Mayhem 'Deathcrush' EP
Not a fan of Mayhem I'm afraid, I respect their work though.
- Deeds Of Flesh 'Trading Pieces'
I'm a fan of Deed's work, l love Reduced To Ashes, I understand Trading Pieces is a classic for most BDM fans.
- Destruction 'Infernal Overkill'
Circle-pit tunes for people with an appetite for violent dancing, cool!
- Paradise Lost 'Icon'
I love this album, I was fresh into metal when it came out so it has a special part in my heart.
- Disgorge 'Chronic Corpora Infest'
Aaaaah I'm more into Disgorge(US), can't say much about these guys I'm afraid!
- Haemorrhage 'Emetic Cult'
I saw these sickos live some years ago at Hellfest, tremendous live band! Love their pathological style!
- Krabathor 'Lies'
Underrated band, not sure about their "true" value though, I haven't listened to their work that much.
- Thou Art Lord 'Eosforos'
I'm gonna let you down here too ha ha! I'm not into the greek metal scene, no opinion to lay down here either!

19) How often do you play live gigs? Do you enjoy them? Isn't it the truth that metal music should be played live? Do you attend on live gigs by yourself? Is it better to be on huge festival or in local gig?
The best part in being in a band is playing live. Nothing compares to that feeling man. Rocking the hell out of my bones is the best way to end a day. We play quite often I must say for a band of our velocity( a tiny one that is..). I wish we could do more gigs, especially abroad but the "money" factor is keeping us back. And yes, metal music is all about that interaction on a metal show. The energy, the passion, fuck it's the meaning of life!
I attend many shows to be honest, local bands, foreign I'm an open minded listener so if my pockets can handle it I'll be there. I prefere small shows but festivals are cool too. It depends on what kind of music I'll be there to listen to. 

20) Future plans?
Hopefully more gigs, we'll be doing a show in Sweden next October and we're discussing some more shows abroad but it's still too early. Other than that we've got lots of shows here, in Greece so we'll keep ourselves busy as fuck. We're also writing new songs so we're full!

21) This is it. Cheers for your time and let the brutal shit flow! All the best with Mortal Torment!
Thanx a million for the interview and the interest in Mortal Torment my friend. I really hope we'll share a beer or ten soon enough. Keep it sick over there and keep in touch by all means! Eat MEAT, fuck like a beast!

interview by Waldemar January 2013

Blasphemia Prophetica ‘Total Hatred’

Werewolf Promotions, demo 2012

Tym razem nasze rodzime podwórko na którym wybieramy się w kierunku Bytomia. Debiutanckie demo tego nowego tworu, który powstał w 2011 roku, w Black Metalowym undergroundzie nie przynosi nic odkrywczego a jest bardzo udanym hołdem złożonym korzeniom i starej szkole obskurnego i nienawistnego czarciego grania. Na ‘Total Hatred’ składa się 6 utworów w tym intro i outro dające w całości trochę ponad 15ście minut surowego Black Metalu.
Demo zaczyna się krótkim intrem gdzie słychać szepty, inkantacje, krzyki i ekstatyczne jęki na tle wycia wiatru, a wszystko to zgrabnie kończy się po około minucie by przypieprzyć wyziewem wprost z Piekła. Muzyka sama w sobie jest wręcz naładowana agresją, nienawiścią i skierowana przeciwko judeochrześcijańskim świniom ‘generacja nienawiści, generacja śmierci  przeciwko twemu światu przeciwko tobie!’ -> tak oto rozbrzmiewa werset tytułowego utworu ‘Total Hatred’ który jak sądzę idealnie określa i pokazuje jakie wartości propaguje Bytomski duet. Brzmienie tej kasetki dla mnie osobiście nie pozostawia żadnych zarzutów, ponieważ trzeszczy, jest ohydne, perfidne i kurewsko chamskie. Jednak o dziwo, ścieżki gitar, wszelakie riffy są dobrze słyszalne dla wprawionego ucha. Bardzo dobrze zostały też nagrane bębny o ile można tu mówić o czymkolwiek celowym, to jednak nie tyle co ich brzmienie ale całokształt powala bo zarówno aranżacje tego ‘łomotu’ jak i hałas wydobywający się z tego nagrania przypadnie najbardziej zagorzałym fanatykom Black Metalu. Na dodatek wokale Witchfucker’a który też obsługuje wspomnianą perkusję, to niczym tyrania śmierci, totalna nienawiść której podług praw rozsądku nie da się opisać. Demo kończy się nawałnicą strzałów, totalną egzekucją ścierwa.
Blasphemia Prophetica zafundowała mi całkiem udana podróż w czasie gdzie hałaśliwe dema hord początku lat ‘90tych stanowiły fundament tego co ówczesnie rosło w ikonę kultu. Zapewnie nie jest to tylko pozycja kolekcjonerska, fanatycy obdarzą uwielbieniem. Pisać do wytwórni i nabywać.

Aeon ‘Aeons Black’

Metal Blade, 2012 album

Czwarty już album Szwedów jest jawną konsekwencją tego co zostało powiedziane na poprzednich wydawnictwach, a w szczególności na trójeczce ‘Path of Fire’. A co było do tej pory? Otóż, dla tych którzy pominęli jakimś cudem ten zespół śpię z tłumaczeniem, że mamy tutaj techniczny Death Metal z istnie antychrześcijańskim nastawieniem, który niejednokrotnie ukazywał makabryczne zbrodnie kościoła, idiotyzm i ślepotę szarej masy podążającej jak świnie do koryta. Z ta różnicą, że świnie się chociaż nażrą, a biedacy i potrzebujący odejdą z kwitkiem (jeśli mają szczęście, bo jak nie to nawet i kurwa księżulek czyjegos synka przeleci) z pustą obietnicą i frazesem, że ktos ich niby wysłucha. Tym oto krótkim wstępem (a raczej ustępem = kiblem skoro mowa o instytucji kościoła) zaczynamy faktyczną część recenzji.
Ponad 50 minut muzyki zawartej na ‘Aeons Black’ to konkretne mięso Death Metalowe, które zaprezentowano w 15stu utworach z czego 4ry to instrumentalne intra. Zacznę jednak od tego, że kompletnie nie podeszła mi okładka albumu, która jest tak sztuczna i komputerowa, że przykro mi to mówić, ale jest po prostu spierdolona hehe. Kojarzy się automatycznie z badziewiem jak piękne zespoliki rodem Behemocik hyhy, na szczęście muzyka daleko odbiega od podchodów w stronę komercyjnej papki i łatwej kasiory, bo przebraliśmy się w zbroje to teraz laski niech kwiczą, Aeon to poważna sprawa moi drodzy. Otóż, brzmienie z albumu na album Szwedów jest coraz lepsze, a dodatkowo nie traci nic na swoim ciężarze. I tutaj dochodzi właśnie taki mały szkopuł polegający na pokazaniu jak można grać z krystalicznym brzmieniem które oferuje technika studyjna by nie dać ciała i się najzwyczajniej nie zapętlić w miałkość i po prostu nudę. Aeon pokazał to wręcz podręcznikowo! Ścieżki gitar i ich aranżacje wpadają w ucho, bo riffy pomimo swojej techniki są podane w sposób przystępny, ale nie oznacza to że przez to ‘Aeons Black’ jest albumem niewymagającym, nie! Riffy aż kotłują się by wybuchać jeden po drugim, ale jednak ekstremalna technika została poskromiona przejrzystym schematem utworów. Nakładające się patenty, sola, pokręcone riffy niemal do granic jednak w całokształcie zdające egzamin dojrzałości i budujące klimat potężnie brzmiącej i mechanicznie napierdalającej płyty. Małym mankamentem jest natomiast bas a w zasadzie jego brak. Obecny jest, bo wiadomo, że potęgi brzmienia bez basu nijak uzyskać, ale jest schowany pod ścianą gitar i ujawnia się sporadycznie w partiach gdzie reszta instrumentów cichnie. Wokale są jak zawsze mocną stroną w Aeon, potężnie, zrozumiale... bez bełkotów i buczenia. Po prostu moc niskich growli chwaląca prawdę o zakłamaniu i deprawacji kościelnych szumowin. Perkusja, gdzie w sumie nie ma litości, to bardzo dobra strona tego albumu, bo utwory są zróżnicowane, nie jest to ciągły blast, ale jest tu po prostu wszystko: szybko, wolno, środek też, podwójne centralki... zestaw blach od chiny po świetne crashe i zajebiście brzmiący raid. Ehhh po prostu cholerna profeska, ot co!
Szczerze mówiąc, nie wiem co mógłbym dodać na zakończenie tej recenzji, oprócz tego co tradycyjnie, że zachęcam do kupna bo ot kolejna świetna płyta którą należy mieć na swojej półce i sięgać po odsłuch jak najczęściej, bo jest to kawał konkretnego ochłapu!

Funeral Whore ‘Step Into Damnation’

Chaos Records, album 2012

Debiutancki album Holendrów ukazał się w zeszłym roku i zrobiło się o nich dość szumnie w trzewiach undergroundu. Po uprzednio wydanych demosach i splicie z włoskim Profanal ‘Step Into Damnation’ jest jakoby zwieńczeniem dotychczasowych osiągnięć aranżacyjnych zespołu, a zapewniam was, że jest czego posłuchać. Każdy zapewne zauważył, że ostatnimi czasy dzięki temu, a raczej zespołom, które brzmią cukierkowato, technikę gry wciskają do granic absurdu, to jeszcze ich muzyka jest pozbawiona jakiejś myśli przewodniej, takie idiotyczne wręcz popisy techniką bez ładu i składu, zaistniał spory ‘boom’ na powrót tzw. starego grania. Oczywiście nie mam tutaj na myśli, że każdy zespół spod znaku Brutal Death tak gra i nagle coś mi się odmieniło, nie! Po prostu, nadchodzi taki moment gdy wypadkowe danej stylistyki zaczynają razić, a słuchacz, w tym przypadku ja, zaczyna dokonywać filtrowania i odrzucać przysłowiowe gnioty oferujące tylko technikę a nie muzykę w pełnym tego słowa znaczeniu. Jednak do rzeczy, skupiamy się Funeral Whore.
‘Step Into Damnation’ jest albumem mało oryginalnym jednak na tyle dobrym, że aż trudno się uwolnić od słuchania. Funeral Whore brzmi niczym wyciągnięte z wczesnej sceny Szwedzkiej, niczym z debiutu Grave, a stylistycznie to mikstura najwiekszych klasyków ówczesnych lat tego kraju. 11 utworów zostało napompowanych taką energią, że jest wręcz niemożliwym uwolnić się od muzyki Funeral Whore. Zacznijmy od tempa które Holendrzy ustawili sobie za cel jako średnie, nie doświadczymy żadnych blastów, a mimo tego głowa sama chodzi sprawniej niż przy niejednych napierdalaczach spod znaku Brutal. Album jest zdecydowanie tworem gitarowym, gdzie w riffach w głównej mierze postawiono na ostrość, szorstkość i melodykę, która to z kolei jest wręcz arcyciekawa w swej archaiczności, maksymalna potęga! Aranżacje o których wspomniałem nie należą do prostych w sensie powtarzalności, riffy przeplatają się zwinnie, tworząc świetny widok na soniczne potępienie, które nie odbiega daleko od ukazanej wizualizacji na okładce... Dochodzą do tego także motywy przewodnie gitar, jakby pół sola i tutaj jest czas na opisanie potężnego wokalu. Panie i panowie! Na kolana, bo wokal Roy’a to klasyk niczym ryk z pieprzonej otchłani opatrzony smrodem zgnilizny trupów, które porozrzucane gniją roztaczając mdły odór.
Każdy z utworów Funeral Whore pozostaje w pamięci, bo nie ma tutaj słabych momentów, są jedynie perełki w najczystszej postaci, które brzmia lepiej niż niejeden tyranozaur sceny DM obecnie. Utwory dzięki swej chwytliwości i ogólnemu feelingowi zmuszają wręcz w połączeniu ciężarem i obskurnością do machania łbem, do bólu, dla Rogatego! Czekam z niecierpliwością na drugi atak Pogrzebowej Kurwy i jak będzie na takim poziomie to zdecydowanie sporo jaj urwie tudzież rozpruje waginy w zachwycie! Kupować!